Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Funny essay...

Today my BM class was very interesting... everyone of us was used our imaginative thingking to produce a imagination and creactive essay... everyone must continue the essay by adding a sentences on it...
the essay was funny, and not logic at all...
In the essay, no matter was grammar, sentences or others, all become teacher's comment... Of course, no body will paid hundred percentage of attention on it, but on the funny essay...
At the end, our imagination just worth 25%... HAHA


Petang itu, aku mengulangkaji di rumah kawanku di hujung kampung. Tanpaku sedari hari semakin berengsot senja. Aku mengambil keputusan untuk melalui jalan pintas yang dipenuhi hutan belukur. Di pertengahan jalan, tiba-tiba aku terdengar suara tangisan bayi. Aku mempercepatkan langkahku dan berpura-pura tidak mendengar kerana hari kian gelap tetapi suara tangisan bayi semakin dekat dan semakin kuat. Aku semakin takut dan gelisah. Jantungan berdegup kencang. Tiba-tiba suara bayi itu terhenti. Langkahku terhenti.

Aku menoleh ke belakang. Aku berasa hairan tentang suara bayi yang tiba-tiba berhenti. Aku terdengar bunyi tapak kaki yang semakin kuat. Bulu romaku mula meremang. Sejurna kemudian, aku terdengar tangisan bayi itu lagi dari arah yang lain. Tanpa aku sedari, aku ternampak tangan wanita yang berlumuran darah. Badanku terpaku. Aku tidak dapat bersuara. Aku hilang akal. Tangan itu merangkak kea rah saya. Aku tidak dapat bergerak. Aku menutup mata. Hatiku berdegup kencang.

Aku cuba menjerit untuk mendapat pertolongan. Malangnya tak ada orang di sekeliling saya. Tiba-tiba aku merasa sesuatu memegang bahu saya. Aku menoleh ke belakang. Aku berasa hairan. Cahaya lampu suluh itu menyilaukan mataku. Cahaya lampu itu semakin mendekati diriku. Aku menggosok-gosok mataku. Aku ternampak satu baying-bayang semakin dekat. Aku berasa curiga dan menghampiri baying itu. Aku ternampak orang mengandung. Aku pergi sentuh perutnya. Tiba-tiba bayinya jatuh. Badan bayi itu berlumuran darah. Perempuan itu memberi bayi itu kepadaku. Aku berasa bayi itu sangat comel. Aku berfikir sejenak. Pada masa yang sama, bayi itu bertukar wajah. Rupa bayi itu menjadi hodoh. Aku berasa terkejut. Bayi itu menciumku. Aku membuangnya. Namun bayi yang kubuang itu mengejarku. Aku berlari dengan cepat. Tiba-tiba saya melanggar sesuatu benda. Aku terjatuh. Bayi itu memegang kaki saya. Aku menendang bayi itu. Bayi itu sudah mati. Seorang sami dating menyelamatkan saya. Dia membawa saya meninggalkan tempat itu. Akhirnya saya balik rumah dan tidur.
That was the essay... END !

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Seniors National Service Camp !

Come out from camp, the 1st feeling was tired...
In the 1st day, it was just 6.15 only, I woke up by Fiona's phone... and what she ask was just "what wear later, when go into the camp?" At that time I really wanna faint... When reached at sSung Siew Primary School, I was late but got some people later than me. Audrey was absent to that camp because of sick, but I saw my classmate, ah tay, she joined the camp too, and that time was our war starting point... At the army camp, we had our drill 1st, in the early morning, a sunny morning, the sweat was just diffuse out from my skin in the condition of non-stop. after lunch at there, we played rope of creativity. It didn't had many rules, but it's rules had caused us very tired and tired... we must carried the people 1 by 1 and cannot touching the rope, what the funny game, my hand was numb after the game was end... the games that follow by the rope of creactivity was "hole-in-one" and "balncing log"... At night, I can't slept at all because I missed my bed, i just slept 1 and a 1/2 hour in the hall, then I accompany my buddy, Joanna to have her night watch... Although was night watch but we just slept at the canteen but didn't do her duty at all... when 5.ooam sharp, it was the angry matter that I met for this day... the canteen owner was came to the school and started for their preparation, that's not a matter, but they was very noisy until can made all the girls and guys wake up within 1 minutes because of their work. The 2nd day's activiti was flying fox... the scare feel came again when teacher called my name, but what funny was when I at the top of the building, that feel was gone... The 3rd day was the most interesting day because got "halangan" this game. In this game, the 1st section is "vault", the 2nd section "balancing board", 3rd section "1.8 A wall", 4th section "graduate balancing walk", 5th section "swinging over river", 6th section "traverse". 7th section "tunnel", the 8th and 9th section I had forgot them because that two section were rejected by all the girls... I had failed the "swinging over river", so I fell into the pond... but it was comfortable, maybe I fell until sot already... HAHA, but luckily I passed the "traverse" which also can be said as "monkey bar"... hehe. At night, BBQ was held, everyone was very busy, especially the officers, they prepared the food until midnight... I waited them in sleepy, because I needed to clean the place, all the dishes. Of course not only me, but also my another 2 or 3 friends. Today was the last day for the camp, we needed to separate and back our own home. But suffer still hadn't finished yet, that was the closing ceremony. my face became very reddish after I finish my marching.
Isit a freezer? so many food...So mess... that's Angelina and Fiona's things... So sleepy?Sleep without closing eyes?Scare guys and gals do sumthing sumthing... use the table to block them...

Clean up the luggage now...


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