Sunday, July 12, 2009

AGM meeting !

New president, new vice president, new secretary and many new new new....
All "produced" today....
Hope all the silly problem will follow the time, ex-commitee, and others... go away from GB....
Keep it up... all the new commitee...
GB will become the BEST !!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Between friends and competition

All of them were group 1, only me not at that group...
All of them wore white shirt, only me wore black shirt...
When we out from competition, we are friends...
But today, in the competition, we are enemy...

Today was brigade games day, the games that involved were badminton, table tennis and captain ball... Badminton, I don't know it at all... Table tennis, I know it, but that was history... And what I most excited and confidence was captain ball... I'm no. 6, that's my lucky number...
However, I'm not lucky at all, just started the game, within 5 minutes, I fall down in sudden... What the funny is I don't knew who caused me fall down or I fall down myself... I just knew I can't played captain ball again...
In a boring noon, I sat on the ground there and watched my others friends played captain ball, HAIZ... but... someone came and sat beside me, "a friend that we knew each other almost ten years" HAHA, I'm not boring anymore... THANK YOU VERY MUCH... friends... HEHE.
And finally, my group lost... lost in a bad marks, 24 - 4...
My team friends, keep it up ! Don't give up !

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